love soaked family shoot

At home with Bethany Ciotola.

I had a nostalgic daydream as I very randomly recalled how elated my 5-year-old self had felt when Mrs. R let me feed the class caterpillar, and then the excitement my classmates and I felt when she explained how we would let the butterflies go. I would never remember her face today, but it’s strange how vividly I can see Mrs. R’s elderly hands open the white mesh pop-up "house." 

I found caterpillar kits on Amazon (!!!) and sent one over to Bethany. Strangers on Amazon reviews had informed me that, unfortunately, most caterpillars don’t successfully metamorphose. Caterpillar 1 successfully became a butterfly, and we flew her home. The Ciotola's nurtured her well, and she very quickly went on home. I had planned to place her on little Cole’s toes and maybe Will’s nose. But… I got these, and I treasure the perfect wonder that kids so innocently express for all the simplest things.

& then we dance, and dance


vintage couples shoot


nostalgic family paint day shoot