a stranger's story

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A sunny day in Brooklyn

Baking pie with Mel in her Brooklyn home was like a warm summer breeze. We discussed how we are both incredibly inspired by simple moments, like dancing in the kitchen & singing by an open window.
Art is the thing that makes me feel.
I feel most alive reading by an open window, or digging through piles at antique shoppes. For grandma, it’s when she bakes fresh bread. She doesn’t call it art though; she calls it love.
Nothing bores me more than the kitchen, but I am moved by the pastry bow she adds on pie. I know that is how she tells me. That’s the thing about art, it lets you speak in a million different ways. 
I’ve never been afraid of words, so I dial baby sister.
“I picked you some flowers.” She giggles and I hear her loud and clear. Art travels through the world, you see. It looks different for you and me. 
Art is what makes you feel tender on heavy days. It is simply anything that lets you be.The difference between states of dissociation and flow? One takes you away, the other lets you stay.
Tell me, dearest one.
What lets you stay?

I’ve never been afraid of words, so I dial baby sister.“I picked you some flowers.” She giggles and I hear her loud and clear.